FF: It's Not Right - Chapter 39

Read the rest of this series over here.

Please note I retain sole ownership of all the works of fiction on this blog so please do not reproduce or alter my work and claim it as your own.

Chapter 39

Arnav lay down on his pillow with one hand behind his neck. His face still bore traces of the smile that had adorned his face for most of the day. Since his parents had died his birthdays had always been just another day that reminded him of his mother and the fact that she wasn't alive anymore but today had been different. Even speaking about her, speaking about that day hadn't thrust him back into the pit of despair it usually did.

He turned to his side and smiled as his eyes fell on the silver photo frame on top of his bedside table. Knowing that Khushi had only found out about his birthday yesterday he hadn't expected a present at all. The sugar-free cake therefore had been a pleasant surprise but when at the end of the evening she had pulled out a shiny blue rectangle package from her bag he had been taken aback.

The frame was silver plated and probably not very expensive at all but the picture she had chosen to put inside it was perfect. It was a picture of him, Anjali and Akash that she'd taken the night before at his birthday dinner without them noticing. Anjali was leaning across him slightly to talk to Akash and Arnav was smiling at them both.

Khushi had gone early in the morning to get the photo printed and framed. She'd said she chose that particular picture because it showed her just how much he cared about his siblings even if he didn't like to admit it. The irony of that statement and the significance it held to their earlier conversation about Dhruv hadn't passed him by and Arnav had sent an e-mail to Dhruv and Dhruv's Principal before he'd gone to bed. Hopefully by the time he woke up he would have received some positive news he could tell Khushi about.

He had almost fallen asleep when the ringing of his phone woke him back up with a jerk. He fumbled around in the dark before pressing the answer button and holding the phone up to his ear.

'Hello Arnav, were you asleep?'

The slightly worried tone to her voice had him sitting up immediately. 'Khushi? Is everything okay? Did Buaji say something because you were late? What is it?'

'No no, everything's fine Arnav.' Khushi laughed 'I just... erm... I just wanted to say happy birthday again. I hope you had a good time and you liked the present. I'm sorry I didn't have time to get anything else.'

'Khushi, I already told you. It was really nice. Honestly, it was perfect.' Arnav lay back onto his pillow settling down preparing to listen to Khushi worry unnecessarily.

'Are you sure? Okay, happy birthday. Good night.'

Arnav moved the phone away from his ear shocked at the abrupt end of the phone call before pressing the button to call Khushi back.

'Khushi? What was that? Why did you cut the call?'

'Oh actually Arnav I just wanted to be the... I wanted to be the last person to say Happy Birthday. Actually I wanted to be the first but I was so tired last night and then I thought I have to get up early anyway to get the photo and make the cake and maybe you have a ritual with Anjaliji or Naniji and they say it first and I didn't want to ruin that and now it's 12 o clock so I should go to sleep. What if Buaji checks in my room and I'm not there? She'll think I've run away or been kidnapped and wake up the whole neighbourhood! So I should go, okay bye.'

Khushi spoke all in one breath while Arnav wondered at her lung capacity. Once again he found himself staring at his phone having just been dismissed abruptly but this time he was smiling. 'Pagal,' he said to himself as he put the phone back under his pillow and settled down to sleep.


Short update I know but don't complain too much and you just might get another update as quickly as tomorrow :D (The wonders of writing only one FF at a time :P)


  1. thebubblespop1215 July 2012 at 17:09

    It was short but sweet!
    Thanks for updating, I've been waiting a long time for this ff. I'm glad that Arnav is reaching out to Dhruv. Can't wait to meet him.
    LOL!! I love the way Khushi's mind works!!
    Once again glad to see your back Update soon!!!

  2. this whole series is fabulous....,loving every bit....


  3. I love how the dynamics of their relationship are changing!

    Nice update! Although, I can't resist myself from saying this - there's something, something that I can't exactly pin-point, missing in your updates. I'm sorry. I've loved your writing so much and I still love it but I feel that the spark is missing.

    please, I hope to see the Nayika element back soon! ;-)

    1. No problem! I actually know exactly what you mean and unfortunately it's just due to lack of enthusiasm with the show really. But I always promised I would never leave my FFs hanging which is why I'm still continuing. Hopefully the updates aren't too bad in the mean time and maybe my 'spark' will come back too :P

  4. short and sweet!!!!!!!

  5. That was a very sweet update. I just love how caring Khushi is :)

  6. Me thinks Khushi's increases lung capacity can be put to other..better use...no Mr, Arnav Singh Raizada..?? ;p

    1. Hahaha, I had that exact same thought myself, but then I thought it was a bit too teenage-y to add in the update :P

  7. nice update! i'm still looking forward for that *something* to take arnav and khushi's relationship a bit further. but i was waiting for you to update this story so i'm happy! :)

  8. Oh this girl is so cute!! I'm interested in an OC by you, wonder how you'd shape an original character...



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