SS: Do You Sleep? - Part 1

Part 1

‘You’ve called here today but don’t call again. Because for me you’re dead! Neither do I want to see your face nor do I want to hear your voice. Now I have no relation with you.’

Asher played with his glasses in his hand absently as he tried to recall her voice. He hadn’t heard her voice today, hadn’t given her a chance to speak knowing how weak she made him feel.

Did he remember what she looked like? His forehead creased as his brain threw up an image but it was blurry. She was wearing black, her hair was loose but her face eluded him. He remembered her sharp nose, her wide set mouth and her brown sparkling eyes but still he couldn’t picture her face.

He let go of his glasses, heard them clattering onto the side-table as threw his head back against the headboard. Why was he doing this to himself? He didn’t want to remember the voice that had fed him honey-coated lies or the face that had tricked him with its innocent facade.


She had been told to sleep, to regain her strength. Khirad knew she was weak, her muscles screamed in pain for some relief but her eyes refused to close. She gathered her newborn daughter closer, drawing strength from the small warm body. She couldn’t be weak anymore, she couldn’t spend her days crying as she had the past 7 months. She would forget him, she would never again cry for that man in this life.

‘I want to meet you now only on Judgement day Asher Hussain; not in this world, not in my lifetime. Here you are powerful and I’m weak. When I was the victim of injustice you were the cruellest of all. I’ll never forget this. I’ll remember until the day of judgement.’

‘And that day when the balance sheets are read, when the greatest of all courts will take place, when justice is meted out then you won’t find refuge anywhere. All your power will disappear that day.’

‘Until I forgive you Asher, my Allah won’t forgive you either. And Asher Hussain, I swear on my daughter; that day I won’t forgive you.’


  1. Omg humsafar is my fave Pakistani drama and im so glad you based a fanfic on it.
    This is well written and cant wait for more!
    Malaika xx

  2. Wow! Awesome! Thanks for the PM!


  3. i have never watched hamsafar but loved the update well written can't wait to read more thanks for the pm

  4. I have never watched this show umm actually except IPKKND I don't watch other show..So, No idea about this story..
    But I like ur writing that is what matter...
    arshiyana (IF)

    1. It's honestly no problem if you don't watch it and don't want updates!

      Thank you though :)

  5. This is my favorite Pakistani drama. I have been looking for an ff/ss/os on this drmam but have been unable to find one, so I'm really looking forward to this. Thanks for writing!!

    1. I know, there's like almost nothing written about them! (Not that I can find anyway :P)

  6. Seriously, I don't know anything about this serial - but would luv to read a story from u - hence pls keep me in the pm list
    Priya (if Arjuhisis)

  7. im sorry to say but i dont know anything about this show... i only watch few Indian shows that comes in TV...
    but i like your writing... sorry yaar if i hurt you :(

    1. Not hurt at all!

      Obviously I don't expect you to watch everything I watch :P

  8. to tell you frankly i have not seen this show nor do i know anything about the show...but i will read it because i simply love your writing style..:-)

  9. Anurama (Onlooker)5 November 2012 at 09:28

    Am reading this SS as any other normal story as i have no idea about humsafar. Am understanding the storyline and the characters and your writing style is what makes it endearing. Thanks for the pm and would love to receive the updates. Anyways, am following your blog.

  10. a ss on humsafar!!love this one!!update soon!

  11. omg! humsafar ss!!

    will read after xams!! :D

  12. it was cool.!

    will be looking forward to read it.!


  13. Wow amazin luvd it
    Fanx 4 da pm x

  14. Thanks for the PM. Awesome update.

    -desisweetheart9 from IF.

  15. DAMN!I am soooo excited you started your story about THEM!
    and what a good ass start! seriously!
    seeing you write a story regarding Humsafer makes me so so happy!!

    thank you!! cant wait to read more!

  16. I absolutely loved this show and one of the few Pakistani shows that i've seen - looking forward to your take on it. Khired possesses such dignity.

    Amrita ( amritab - IF)

  17. ooh....loved humsafar , and this too

  18. Would love to read more on Asher khirad.
    Nice part.
    Pinkpearlz (IF)

  19. Would love to read more on Asher khirad.
    Nice part.
    Pinkpearlz (IF)

  20. Humsafar is one of my fav drama ...was just watching it 2nd time last week......loved the first part going to read all of it...will surely love ur take on Asher Khairad .....


  21. Keep on writing more ff on humsafar .please.:-)


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