SS: 6 Din, Ladki In! - Part 6

Read all previous parts of this SS over here.

Please note I retain sole ownership of all these works of fiction on this blog so please do not reproduce or alter my work and claim it as your own.

Part 6

Khushi, you haven't told me what to do today. I don't even have Payal's number and I don't know where I could run into her today because she said she usually spends weekends with friends or family.

Khushi groaned and pushed her head under her pillow. She hadn't slept well again and was a bundle of nerves. She closed her eyes and tried to take a few deep calming breaths.

Khushi, did you get my last message?

She pushed her sleep-tousled hair away from her face and sat up, staring at her screen until it flashed again.

Bhai's left already and I'm just going to leave soon, so I'll see you at work and then you'll tell me what to do?

Khushi took another deep breath, shook her head and smiled hoping it would infuse some enthusiasm into her voice as she held the phone up to her ear.

"Hello, Khushi?"

"I thought I told you I don't work Sundays," she quipped immediately.

Akash laughed. Khushi had always been fun, but he'd never got to spend much time with her in the past, having his own assistant. He wondered how Arnav ever got any work done with Khushi around.  "I'm so sorry to have disturbed your day of rest ma'am. It must have slipped my mind."

"Anyway, today you have to do nothing at all. Don't talk to her, don't call her, nothing."

"What?' Akash's mood immediately dropped. 'But... but that was Day 1! It's Day 5! We can't use the same plan twice!"

"Sir! This isn't like your jacket that if you wear it twice she'll notice. There's a reason for everything!  We need to assess if Payal's feelings have changed. Last time you didn't see her all day she didn't really notice did she? But this time, I promise you she will! Either she'll call at work or mention it tomorrow first thing."

"You're sure? Absolutely? And this is all part of the plan? Yes? Oh fine then," Akash sighed and pouted.

"That's a good boy! Oh sir, could you do me a favour? I don't know normally work on Sundays but Arnav sir kind of implied that I should be today. So if he asks could you just tell him that I'm ill and won't be coming in today? Only if he asks though!"

"Of course I'll tell Bhai. What's wrong, Khushi? Are you okay? Is there anything I can get you?"

"No sir, just a headache, that's all. I'll be fine. You will remember won't you?"

"Of course Khushi."


Khushi woke up again an hour later when she heard her Babuji coming into the room. She sat up and smiled as he put down a tray of tea and biscuits on her lap and sat next to her on the bed. Khushi picked up her tea and blew at it, cooling it down.


She nodded, picking up a biscuit and nibbling at it.

Her father stroked her hair softly, "don't be. I'm sure they loved you."

Khushi nodded not revealing that she was actually secretly hoping they didn't. On the drive home last night she'd started wondering if she was making the right decision. Arnav was finally starting to notice her and they'd had so much fun working together yesterday. Maybe she should have been more patient? Given him some more time instead of rushing ahead and making different plans?

"Khushi? If you don't want to do this you don't have to. Not at all. I know I encouraged you, but I only want what's best for you. If you don't think you're ready..."

"No no Babuji! Of course I am! This is what I want. I promise. I've dreamed about this since I was a little girl, why would I say no now? I'm just a little anxious that's all. You know how it is."

Babuji nodded and patted her head, "my little girl. All grown up. I don't know if I'll be able to let you go when the time comes."

"Babuji, nothing's certain yet! And you think you're going to get rid of me that easily? No way. I'm coming back every weekend, to be with my Babuji and I don't care what anyone says!"

He stood up and kissed her forehead, "I would be the happiest man in the world if you did," he said as he picked the tray up again. "Now you can stay in bed all day, I'll answer any phone calls you get. Okay?"

Khushi nodded and went back down under her covers, her mind swirling with two alternate futures.


Akash read the e-mail for the 10th time, his smile only growing wider. Khushi was a genius. She was an absolute 100% genius.

Hi Akashji,

I was just wondering if you're at work today could you check that I haven't left my watch on my desk? I can't seem to find it. It's no problem if you aren't of course but if you see it could you let me know?


She'd included her number at the end but for once Akash didn't even need to consult Khushi. He would stick with her plan and not talk to Payal today. He had however made a cursory check of her desk and found no watches in the vicinity just like he'd thought.

He sent a quick text to Khushi, updating her about the email and went back to work. The smile stayed on his face throughout the rest of the day despite the odd looks that Arnav kept sending him every few minutes.


Khushi emerged just before lunchtime to find her Babuji watching cricket. He looked up as she walked into the living room and patted the seat beside him.

"You had some calls."

Khushi stiffened and sat up straight, her heart began beating erratically. Her Babuji was silent and she had to clench her hands together to stop herself biting her nails in anticipation.

"I hope you don't mind, I asked to take a message. It's a yes from their side. You just have to call and confirm that it's a yes from you as well."

"...Yes?" She repeated softly.

Babuji nodded and Khushi could see the apprehension on his face at her lack of enthusiasm. She instantly forced herself to smile and threw her arms around his neck. "I'm so happy Babuji! I'm so happy!"

He squeezed her tightly, and then pulled back to frame her face with his hands, "I am so happy for you Khushi, I always wanted the best for you and I know I haven't always had the means to provide you with it but now..."

"No, no Babuji! You've always given me more than I could have ever wanted! Please don't say that."

After Khushi had made the call with her Babuji's support they hugged again and then Khushi sat back in her seat, trying to catch her breath as she began to make a list in her head of all the things she would have to do in preparation.

"You had a delivery too," Babuji leaned over the side of the sofa and pulled up a big wicker basket.

Khushi took the basket; it was full of flowers, different coloured packages and strangely enough bottled of water. She opened a bright blue package first, looking up at her Babuji confused when she found a small packet of paracetamol inside. A larger pink package was next and Khushi's eyes lit up as she saw some of her favourite chocolates. There was another packet with a couple of Saurabh Khan DVDs and Khushi had been about to open a smaller yellow packet when she found an envelope. She opened it quickly, eager to know who had sent her such thoughtful gifts.

Get well soon. By 'soon' I mean that I expect to see you at work 'bright and early' tomorrow or you're fired Miss Gupta.

Khushi's heart dropped down to her stomach as the realisation of what she'd just agreed to sank in.


  1. Anjanie Tiwari25 May 2012 at 01:49

    I love it and I love you! & Cookies, but that's just beside the point.

    1. I love you too! And cookies! Which are never besides the point :P

  2. wow! what's Khushi doing playing mind game?
    and oh so sweet Arnav send her gift, paracetamol and ASR style message....
    Loved the update....
    Eagerly waiting for another update..
    love u

  3. What???? Khushi's getting married to someone else???? Please tell me that I'm wrong, that sure is a bummer :(((

  4. Bad timing huh?! Love the package from Arnav.

  5. It sounds like Khushi go a new job ( did I guess right?)
    Loved the Care Package from Arnav, super cute!!

  6. Amazing update! Love where its heading...and l ove the flowers and small packages :)



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