FF: 30 Days - Day 11

Read all previous parts of this FF over here.

Please note I retain sole ownership of all these works of fiction on this blog so please do not reproduce or alter my work and claim it as your own.

Day 11

Khushi left Akash and Payal discussing alterations with the designer and picked up the outfits she'd chosen as she left. She walked into Arnav's office to see him on the phone and put down the clothes in her hand over the spare chair before she made her way over to him.

Arnav had lifted his free arm expecting Khushi to hug him but she sat on his lap with one arm under his and the other on his chest before resting her head on his shoulder. Arnav put the arm he'd lifted around her waist and tilted his head slightly to look at her face and moved the phone away from his mouth, 'everything okay?'

'Mmm,' Khushi nodded burying her head further into the crook of his neck inhaling his scent as he continued to talk on the phone.

The phone call lasted another 5 minutes and Arnav found it increasingly hard to concentrate as he could feel Khushi's breath on his neck and her lips against his collarbone through the fabric of his shirt.  'Yes, okay, okay. That's fine. I'll have someone get back to you with the revised contract.'

He put the phone down and put both arms around Khushi pulling her closer, 'what's wrong? Or is this you trying, pathetically I might add, to get me to give in?'

Khushi lifted her head and gave Arnav a scathing look before she put her head down again, 'nothing like that, I'm not a cheat like you Arnav. I just miss you.'

'Miss me? I'm right here.'

'I know,' she lifted her head again to smile at him this time, 'we just never get to spend any time together anymore.'

Arnav sighed and rested his head against Khushi's, 'I'm sorry, I just have so much work lately.' They sat in silence for a few minutes just enjoying the peace and contentment that came with being with each other until Arnav shifted Khushi slightly so she was facing him properly. 'Maybe if I had a reason to come home early...' he cocked one eyebrow at Khushi and gave her a lopsided grin.

Khushi laughed and pushed at his shoulders as she got up, 'I've got some outfits for you to pick from. Which one do you like?'

Arnav grimaced in distaste as Khushi held up two Shervanis, 'do I have to?'

'Yes, I went through so many outfits for you and chose the best ones now pick one!'

Arnav stood up and moved around the table taking the Shervanis out of her hand and dropping them down onto the chair again as he held Khushi by the waist, 'I wore one at our wedding didn't I? If I wear one at Akash's don't you think it will make ours less special?'

'But Arnav...'

'Khushi, you could however convince me like you did for our wedding. Do you remember?'

Khushi tried to control the spark in her eyes as she remembered Arnav refusing and her kissing him every time he said no more and more intensely until he'd agreed because he'd known that if she kissed him anymore he would have been unable to wait until their wedding night. 'Come on Arnav, please say yes.'

Arnav smiled and slowly shook his head, 'make me.'

Khushi put her hands on Arnav's shoulder and rubbed her nose against his, 'please?'

Arnav shook his head again, pulling her so their bottom halves collided, 'I said make me.'

Khushi stared at Arnav trying to control the growing heat in her stomach, 'Arnav I...'

They both looked back as the door opened and Akash and Payal walked in. Arnav squeezed Khushi's waist as she scrunched her nose and they moved apart.

'Sorry Bhai, didn't mean to interrupt,' Akash said cheekily as Payal blushed and looked at the floor embarrassed.

'No, you're not interrupting. Khushi was just trying to convince me to wear a Shervani at your wedding,' Arnav said giving Khushi a loaded look.

'You're not going to wear one? But Bhai, you have to! If you don't wear one then I won't either.'

'Oh God, don't tell me I have to convince you as well,' Khushi sighed.

Arnav turned his head sharply to look at her, 'Khushi!'

'What?' Khushi looked at him confused before she grinned as she understood what he meant and moved next to Akash and put her hand through his arm. 'Yes Arnav, either you agree to wear a Shervani so Jeeju wears one too or I'll just have to convince my lovely Jeeju to wear one all on my own.'

Arnav looked on as Khushi stroked Akash's arm and raised her eyebrows at him as Payal looked on bewildered. 'I thought I told you to stay away from Akash,' he said, pretending to be angry as he pulled Khushi back to his side and put an arm around her shoulder.

'Stay away from Akashji? But why would you want her to?'

'Stay away from me? What? Why? What did I do?'

'I'll wear a Shervani Akash, don't worry,' Arnav said as they both started laughing while Payal and Akash continued to look confused.


  1. awesome...liked how they felt contentment and peace from each others presence.
    loved when he is angry and jealous and that "Khushi" he said when she sighed and said you also want me to convince you. funny at the end

    1. So true.. That picture she writes of contentment is awesome.. Something so so relatable!

  2. MAKE HIM! aww that was hotness! I loved how they felt comforted with each other. Beautifully written once again <3 LOVED IT!


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